Osamostatní sa F1 od FIA? V Liberty Media vraj už majú Sulajema plné zuby | Magazín F1 - F1online.sk

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A komu tym prospejete?

Cele zle… odhliadnuc od toho, ze LM si len prenajima prava na F1, ktore vlastni FIA, tak aj keby sme zvazili teoreticke odlucenie, komu by to pomohlo? V Amerike zatial ten boom neprichadza a LM by bez protistrany (akokolvek je FIA tragikomicka organizacia) uplne, ale ze uplne znicila celu F1 a ak by nevyslo, nevadi, ide sa dalej, nabalili by sa aj tak dost. V Amerike F1 nema tradiciu, nic, preco by sme mali mat co i len maly optimizmus, ze by to bolo lepsie.

Problem je jeden pan ktory zo seba spravil boha organizacie. V prvom rade by sa FIA mala kriticky pozriet na seba a zistit ako je mozne, ze sa tam niekto taky vobec dostal. Aha, peniaze nesmrdia…

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nemal som z toho dobry pocit, a ani z Domenicaliho, proste podla mna byvaly sef tymu nema byt vo vedeni FIA


Odvolání Sulayema, omluva Wolffum, finanční kompenzace za pospineni dobrého jména a jmenování Susie novou prezidentkou FIA.

Jiné východisko není.

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Jak chceš jemnovat někoho prezidentem/prezidentkou FIA, když není pod tou organizací? :stuck_out_tongue:
Jediné vychodisko je Flavio, jako prezident FIA

To by neměli, ale problém je přesně ten, že FIA je v tomhle totálně zoufalá a vůbec se na tohle neohlizi

Mosley byl taky bývalý šéf, Todt se nemusíme bavit pro koho foukal.

Je to tak. :grin:

Petr Mach vstoupil už do čtvrté politické strany. V evropských volbách povede kandidátku SPD. Hlavním bodem jeho programu přitom zůstává snaha o vystoupení z EU.

Připomnělo mi to tohle :rofl:

Tahle slepa obvineni by se mela vazne resit, zverejnit udavace a dat mu ostudnou pentli v ramci souteze jak Brno. Jestli nekdo predpoklada, ze manzele spolu nemluvi, no nevim.

Prijde mi to jako pripravena past, dame Wolffove funkci a kdyz manzilek zazlobi slapneme ji na krk, rozhodime mu papuce, velke fuj smerem k FIA pokud o udavaci pomlci.

@HellHogr asi to maju podla hierarchie nejak, ze najvyssi post v F1 je vlastne sefovat FIA :smiley:

skor by som povedal, ze presne opacne, a robi to schvalne, kto zo sefov najviac posluchal, ten pojde ku kormidlu :smiley:

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Chraň nás všechny pánbůh před takovými lehce zmanipulovatelnými posluhovači jako jsi ty.

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A co když byla návnadou Wolffová a jen se čekalo až se u Sujajema projeví jeho arabská nátura, která neakceptuje úroveň ženy.

Na co navnada? Že byla vybraná na danou “funknci” pro F1 academy? To silně pochybuju, tyhle hry hraje Bin

Jo banbuhženej neovlivnitelnym :grinning:

Abych ten post vysvětlil.
Jenom názor na to jestli zvyšovat nebo snižovat počet týmů jsi zcela radikálně změnil za tento rok třikrát.

v buducnosti suboj o šefa Fia medzi Wolf - Horner nech si kto chce hovorit

Jsem na emocialní horské dráze.

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@Hedgehog @PUFF @Ferda @Situs


With the controversy surrounding the FIA and Liberty Media, you might have heard of the 100-year agreement.

Liberty Media bought Formula 1’s commercial rights in 2017 (Image Credit: BBC Sport)

It was discovered earlier in the year that a Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund placed a $20billion bid to buy Formula One’s commercial rights. FIA President Mohammed Ben Sulayem came out on Twitter saying that any potential buyers should “apply common sense” in coming up with such offers.

He added how these plans need to “consider the greater good of the sport” and not only money. He finished his statement by saying: “It is our duty to consider what the future impact will be for promoters in terms of increased hosting fees and other commercial costs, and any adverse impact that it could have on fans.”

Figures from Liberty Media such as chief legal and administrative officer Renne Wilm fumed over this statement. Liberty Media bought Formula One’s commercial rights in 2017 for $4.4billion. He accused the FIA of interfering “with those rights in an unacceptable manner,” Sky News revealed.

If any potential offer comes up for a buyer to purchase these commercial rights, the 100-year agreement gives full responsibility to Liberty Media to decide whether to sell or not. The FIA can only advise, but wouldn’t have the final say.

So what is exactly the 100-year agreement?

What is the 100-year agreement?

The 100-year agreement was created in 2001. It sees the commercial rights of Formula One sold to companies from the official management. This creates a bridge between Formula One and the FIA, which is now solely the motorsport regulator.

Whoever holds the deal is responsible for a range of activities in Formula One such as marketing, sponsors and partners, potential country sponsors and so much more. These activities all see huge money flow going in and out of Formula One, so it’s a really big deal and has a major responsibility.

The first company to purchase such rights was SLEC. Its majority was owned by German media companies Kirch and EMTV. Bernie Ecclestone held the remaining 25%.

SLEC had already owned a media contract which ended in 2010. That means that the 100-year agreement came into play in 2010. The German media company had already agreed with Formula One management in 2001 that they’ll proceed with the commercial rights contract once the 100-year agreement commences.

Initially, the five European-based manufacturers at the time: Ford with Jaguar, FIAT with Ferrari, Mercedes, BMW and Renault weren’t thrilled that German media companies had control over the sport’s media rights. They were known as the “Big Five” at the time and they threatened to break away into their own championship.

Teams feared that they wouldn’t receive enough income from the TV rights now that the owners were literal media companies. However, an agreement was reached and no new championship ever happened.

Since 2017, Formula One’s rights have been owned by Liberty Media. One can say that the American company has embraced the possibilities of fan experiences. It created the famous Netflix documentary, Drive to Survive, which saw an increase in younger fans and also in the American market. Races are having record crowds and the diversity in the audience increased too.

Until another buyer comes through and Liberty Media decides to sell, the American mass media company has Formula One’s commercial rights till 2110.


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